
I’m a New Zealand based photographer who in November 2012 and May – September 2013 has spent time in Uganda.

I’ll post here when I can. In Uganda it can be difficult as most of the time I’ll be in the north around Pader District and the internet is extremely slow adding to only intermittent power!!

While in Uganda in 2013 I’ll be working on some projects to connect my district of the Wairarapa in New Zealand with Pader and Gulu Districts in Uganda. It is all about linking communities and seeing what will happen!! People can solve their own problems through sharing experiences with each other is the aim. Schools, students and teachers are connecting through letters and in the future the internet.

I shoot with Nikon cameras and work with Adobe on Photoshop Lightroom for which I am an Adobe Certified Expert and Adobe Community Professional.


6 thoughts on “About

  1. hey Geoff, most excellent, a couple of comments, the photo at the masthead is somewhat confusing considering the images you do so well. Also you have a couple of typos in about you. Small picky stuff, a great start, good luck, Richard.

  2. Hi Geoff,

    I was looking at your photos taken at the Kuranui College reunion in april 2010. Did you take closer photos of the static displays. I wanted to order images of form photos from 1973 to 1976, if you had any…Thanks Glo Wirihana

  3. Hi Geoff,
    wonder how I can access the photos you took of the ‘Seen’ opening at Featherston on Saturday?
    cheers Mike Beckett

  4. Hi Geoff, I have to say that what you did on Saturday for the families of those lost in that tragic balloon accident was commendable. I am talking about those last images you took towards the end of their lives, and not releaseing them to any media.

    Kia Kaha bro.

    Anna Campbell

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